- Before rebrand
I helped with the rebranding and reorganization of branding, web presence, sourcing content, revising pitch materials, rebuilding client-exclusive video site, helped migration to the cloud, video post-rolls, and much more.
[button color=red url=http://www.spectrumproductions.tv]VISIT LIVE WEBSITE[/button] [button color=red url=https://vimeo.com/user13980502/review/52640158/2ca820e07f]VIEW VIDEO BRANDING EXAMPLE[/button]
It was a true pleasure working alongside Yuriy. He is simply one of the most driven and passionate professionals I've been able to collaborate with. His conceptual skills are very strong, being able to think both visually as well as considering user's experiences. He does a great job thinking through technological needs, and was very apt in managing developers. I would recommend Yuriy as a cornerstone member of any department or team aspiring to grow.
-A. Rodriguez, Interactive Director
All work done for Spectrum Productions has been under their employment
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